Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

While our Halloween festivities began a week ago, it was with great anticipation that the kids awaited Halloween night. We went trick-or-treating from 6-8 pm in a nearby neighborhood and Tate even got in on the action this year. (We were remembering that last year he was four weeks old and Scott and I traded off wearing him in the sling the whole night!)

The night was a success with lots of candy to prove it!

Here are a bunch of pictures from Halloween night and the week preceeding it ...


Mel said...

Rebecca! You are looking like your lovely mamma!

Laurie M. Lee said...

Very cute costume theme, Rebecca! I can't believe that Tate is looking so old now.

Mike said...

Great pictures, Rebecca! You did a great job with the costumes. They all win first place in my book. I like the pumpkins.

Sutherlun said...

Hi Rebecca - It was fun to hear from you and catch up on your blog. I never know who might find us! Serena's actually a couple months older than Tate, but was pretty cautious in the walking department.
Your kids are adorable, and I love the group costume theme. Looking forward to doing the same some day (although Joshua and I did join Serena to be three men in a tub last year).