Saturday, July 12, 2008

We love the beach!

It finally came time for one of my favorite moments of the year ... our family trip to the beach. This year was different because it was mainly just us and my parents (usually it includes my three siblings and two spouses). We stayed at a new place this year called the Wyndham Ocean Walk Resort in Daytona Beach. It's great for kids - they have a playground in one of the pools, a waterslide, lazy river - you hardly even get to the beach! They also offer lots of stuff to do - "Dive In" movies, craft times, ice cream parties, etc - kindof like being on a cruise. Tyler went to the Princess Manicure and Tea Party, made "memory bracelets" with my mom and Scott took the kids to see National Treasure 2 in the pool! It was also a treat because we got to spend some extra time with the two older kids one-on-one and all together. Scott and I drove go-carts with them, took them to putt-putt and to see Wall-E. It was also a joy to see Tate really love the beach and the pool - he continues to dive into everything with great gusto! Eben continued his overall timid nature about everything but finally rode some baby waves on our last day there. Tyler, on the other hand, never braved the waterslide but for the first time was really adventurous with riding waves. And, as usual, we enjoyed some great spoiling by my parents who love us and our kids. They took each of the kids out for breakfast on their own, made frequent trips to the ice cream truck on the beach and celebrated my birthday with me at Bubba Gump shrimp and it was soooo yummy! So, thanks mom and dad - we loved it!! As usual I love pictures of my kids in the sand and got lots of those. But, I didn't really take the camera out until the last day so here are a few: